Live Chat & Contact Form

Unlock direct communication with your customers through the “Live Chat & Contact Form” tutorial. Learn how to integrate chat widgets and manage contact forms to provide seamless support and engagement.

Activating the chat widget

What’s covered:
  • Making a account
  • Where to find the plugin
  • customisation and settings overview
  • Setting chat triggers
  • Chatting with visitors
  • Adding mail notifications
  • Adding staff agents and viewing reports

Activating the WhatsApp chat widget

What’s covered:
  • Where to find the WhatsApp plugin
  • Activating and setting up WhatsApp
  • Customisation and settings overview
  • How a website visitor can use WhatsApp

Adding a WPForms contact form

What’s covered:
  • Where to find the WPForm embed widget
  • Selecting the form
  • Publishing the form

Managing contact entries with WPForms

What’s covered:
  • Where to find your customer entries
  • How to manage your customers

Activating reCaptcha on the contact form

What’s covered:
  • Where to find the Captcha settings
  • Adding the reCaptcha secret keys
  • Enabling reCaptcha on your contact form

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